Basic Research
Our basic research can be divided up into four general categories: rivers, environmental hydraulics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and sediment dynamics. Below is a list of all the research topics that we have examined.
Bubble Plumes
Bubbly flows are encountered in many fields of engineering, associated with different spatial scales. At small scale, they are found Keep Reading…
CFD Bedforms
Current research relates to the sinking of cylinder sitting on the ocean bed. Code using FEM has been developed to Keep Reading…
Discontinuous Density Currents
This work presents two and three-dimensional CFD simulations of a discontinuous density current. The numerical results are compared to experimental Keep Reading…
River Morphodynamics
River morphodynamics has attracted many research efforts in the last decades. The problem has been attacked via experimental, theoretical and Keep Reading…
Sediment Transport Modeling
The objective of this research is to incorporate sediment transport modeling to the former hydrodynamic model called STREMR (Bernard, 1993). Keep Reading…
Turbulent Jets
Jets have been the subject of experimental, theoretical, and numerical works in the last 50 years. In particular, the literature Keep Reading…
Environmental Hydraulics
Bubble Plumes
Bubbly flows are encountered in many fields of engineering, associated with different spatial scales. At small scale, they are found Keep Reading…
Density Current Deposits
A turbidity current is created by means of a saline flow. The salinity currents coming out of the diffuser located Keep Reading…
Illinois Hyporheic Flow Facility
Permeable media are encountered in a wide variety of geophysical systems. A particular type of such media is “hybrid porous Keep Reading…
Turbulent Jets
Jets have been the subject of experimental, theoretical, and numerical works in the last 50 years. In particular, the literature Keep Reading…
ADV Performance Curves (APC) Sampling the Flow Turbulence
The capability of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADV) to resolve flow turbulence was analyzed by means of a new tool referred Keep Reading…
Initiation of motion of consolidated coarse-grained alluvium
Current field techniques are available to quantify critical shear stress and erosion rates of cohesive bed/bank materials. For coarse-grained alluvium, Keep Reading…
Mean Flow and Turbulence in a Laboratory Channel With Simulated Vegetation
Much is unknown about the flow structure and turbulence characteristics in open channels with vegetative canopies. All models of open-channel Keep Reading…
As part of river restoration, the geomorphological, ecological, and engineering aspects must be considered. The river restoration facilitates the river Keep Reading…
River Morphodynamics
River morphodynamics has attracted many research efforts in the last decades. The problem has been attacked via experimental, theoretical and Keep Reading…
Sediment Dynamics
CFD Bedforms
Current research relates to the sinking of cylinder sitting on the ocean bed. Code using FEM has been developed to Keep Reading…
Flow-Particle Interaction
The most advanced research is related to suspended sediment transport in rivers. This kind of transport involves turbulence that plays Keep Reading…
Initiation of motion of consolidated coarse-grained alluvium
Current field techniques are available to quantify critical shear stress and erosion rates of cohesive bed/bank materials. For coarse-grained alluvium, Keep Reading…
Oscillatory Flow Fields
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) with fluorescent tracer particles has been used to measure the velocity field above sand ripples for Keep Reading…
Oscillatory-Scour Bedforms
Burial processes of finite length cylinders under pure oscillatory flow were examined with a large oscillating water-sediment tunnel (LOWST). Cylindrical Keep Reading…
Sediment Resuspension
Current research in this area is related to erosion caused by submerged turbulent wall jets. Different kinds of wall, plane, Keep Reading…
Sediment Transport Modeling
The objective of this research is to incorporate sediment transport modeling to the former hydrodynamic model called STREMR (Bernard, 1993). Keep Reading…
Turbidity Currents
This research addresses sediment transport in the ocean and is part of the EuroSTRATAFORM program (STRATA FORMation on continental margins). Keep Reading…
Wave-Ripple Bedforms
The study comprises an examination of the interaction between a finite cylinder and a movable sand bed influenced by waves Keep Reading…