Journal Articles
Author | Title | Year | Journal/Proceedings | Reftype | DOI/URL |
Abad, J.D., Motta, D., Fernandez, R. and Oberg, N. | RVRMeander | 2013 | article | URL | |
Garcia, T., Jackson, P.R., Murphy, E.A., Valocchi, A.J. and Garcia, M.H. | Development of a Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator to evaluate the transport and dispersion of Asian carp eggs in rivers | 2013 | Ecological Modelling Vol. 263, pp. 211 - 222 | article | DOI URL |
Mier, J.M. | Quicker 1-D linear interpolation | 2013 | article | URL | |
Landry, B.J., Hancock, M.J., Mei, C.C. and Garcia, M.H. | WaveAR: A software tool for calculating parameters for water waves with incident and reflected components | 2012 | Computers & Geosciences | article | DOI URL |
Landry, B.J., Hancock, M.J., Mei, C.C. and Garcia, M.H. | WaveAR: A software tool for calculating parameters for water waves with incident and reflected components | 2012 | article | DOI URL | |
Liu, X., Parker, G., Czuba, J.A., Oberg, K., Mier, J.M., Best, J.L., Parsons, D.R., Ashmore, P., Krishnappan, B.G. and Garcia, M.H. | Sediment mobility and bed armoring in the St Clair River: insights from hydrodynamic modeling | 2012 | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, pp. n/a - n/a | article | DOI |
Cataño-Lopera, Y.A., Landry, B.J. and Garcia, M.H. | Scour and burial mechanics of conical frustums on a sandy bed under combined flow conditions | 2011 | Ocean Engineering Vol. 38(10), pp. 1256{\textendash}1268 | article | URL |
Landry, B.J. | Sand bed morphodynamics under water waves and vegetated conditions | 2011 | article | URL | |
Landry, B.J. | Digital Spigot | 2011 | article | URL | |
Mier, J.M. and Garcia, M.H. | Erosion of glacial till from the St. Clair River (Great Lakes basin) | 2011 | Journal of Great Lakes Research | article | DOI URL |
Pedocchi, F., Cantero, M.I. and Garcia, M.H. | Turbulent kinetic energy balance of an oscillatory boundary layer in the transition to the fully turbulent regime | 2011 | Journal of Turbulence Vol. 12, pp. N32 | article | DOI |
Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Acoustic measurement of suspended sediment concentration profiles in an oscillatory boundary layer | 2011 | Continental Shelf Research | article | DOI |
Waterman, D.M. | In situ characterization of sediment oxygen demand across the spectrum of non-resuspension to full resuspension with varying bed shear stress | 2011 | article | URL | |
Waterman, D.M., Waratuke, A.R., Motta, D., Cataño-Lopera, Y.A., Zhang, H. and Garcia, M.H. | In Situ Characterization of Resuspended-Sediment Oxygen Demand in Bubbly Creek, Chicago, Illinois | 2011 | Journal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 137, pp. 717 | article | DOI |
Garcia, M.H. | Sediment Transport Processes | 2010 | article | URL | |
León, A.S., Ghidaoui, M.S., Schmidt, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | A robust two-equation model for transient-mixed flows | 2010 | Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 48, pp. 44 - 56 | article | DOI |
León, A.S., Liu, X., Ghidaoui, M.S., Schmidt, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Junction and Drop-Shaft Boundary Conditions for Modeling Free-Surface, Pressurized, and Mixed Free-Surface Pressurized Transient Flows | 2010 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol. 136, pp. 705 | article | DOI |
Mier, J.M. | Parallel Computing With MATLAB | 2010 | article | ||
Ruddell, B.L., Oberg, N., Garcia, M.H. and Kumar, P. | Using Information-Theoretic Statistics in MATLAB to Understand How Ecosystems Affect Regional Climates | 2010 | MATLAB Digest - Academic Edition | article | URL |
Sequeiros, O.E., Spinewine, B., Beaubouef, R.T., Sun, T., Garcia, M.H. and Parker, G. | Characteristics of Velocity and Excess Density Profiles of Saline Underflows and Turbidity Currents Flowing over a Mobile Bed | 2010 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol. 136(7), pp. 412-433 | article | DOI URL |
Garcia, M.H., Cataño-Lopera, Y.A. and Landry, B.J. | Mine Burial by Local Scour and Sand Waves | 2009 | article | ||
León, A.S., Ghidaoui, M.S., Schmidt, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Application of Godunov-type schemes to transient mixed flows | 2009 | Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, pp. 147 - 156 | article | DOI |
Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Ripple morphology under oscillatory flow: 1. Prediction | 2009 | Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 114 | article | DOI |
Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Ripple morphology under oscillatory flow: 2. Experiments | 2009 | Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 114 | article | DOI |
Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Friction coefficient for oscillatory flow: the roughtextendashsmooth turbulent transition | 2009 | Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 47, pp. 438 - 444 | article | DOI |
Abad, J.D. | Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics of high-amplitude meandering channels | 2008 | article | ||
Christensen, D.R. | Hydrologic Distributed Modeling Approach for Quantifying the Hydrologic Impacts of Rain Gardens in Urban Catchments | 2008 | article | ||
Crosa-Rivarola, C.S. | High resolution synthetic urban watershed data for hydrologic model evaluation | 2008 | article | ||
Garcia, M.H., Pedocchi, F. and Landry, B.J. | Ripple Morphology under Oscillatory Flow | 2008 | article | ||
León, A.S., Ghidaoui, M.S., Schmidt, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Efficient Second-Order Accurate Shock-Capturing Scheme for Modeling One- and Two-Phase Water Hammer Flows | 2008 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol. 134, pp. 970 | article | DOI |
Liu, X. | Numerical Models for Scour and Liquefaction around Object under Currents and Waves | 2008 | article | ||
Liu, X., Landry, B.J. and Garcia, M.H. | Two-dimensional scour simulations based on coupled model of shallow water equations and sediment transport on unstructured meshes | 2008 | Coastal Engineering Vol. 55, pp. 800 - 810 | article | DOI |
Mier, J.M. and Landry, B.J. | Hydrosystems Lab EOH: The Movie | 2008 | article | URL | |
Oberg, N., Ruddell, B.L., Garcia, M.H. and Kumar, P. | MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox Benchmark for an Embarrassingly Parallel Application | 2008 | article | ||
Pedocchi, F., Martin, J.E. and Garcia, M.H. | Inexpensive fluorescent particles for large-scale experiments using particle image velocimetry | 2008 | Experiments in Fluids Vol. 45, pp. 183 - 186 | article | DOI |
Ancalle, J.E. | Experimental study on the hydraulics of high-amplitude Kinoshita-generated meandering channels | 2007 | article | ||
Bondar, C.E. | Method to estimate combined sewer overflow discharge from tide gates | 2007 | article | ||
Cantero, M.I. | Direct Numerical Simulation of Thermohaline and Particulate Density Currents | 2007 | article | ||
Cantone, J.P. | Potential dangers in simplifying combined sewer hydrologic/hydraulic models using subcatchment aggregation and conduit skeletonization | 2007 | article | ||
Cataño-Lopera, Y.A., Demir, S.T. and Garcia, M.H. | Self-Burial of Short Cylinders Under Oscillatory Flows and Combined Waves Plus Currents | 2007 | Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of Vol. 32(1), pp. 191 -203 | article | DOI |
Demir, S.T. and Garcia, M.H. | Experimental Studies on Burial of Finite-Length Cylinders under Oscillatory Flow | 2007 | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Vol. 133, pp. 117 | article | DOI |
Haydel, R.A. | Channel incision into mixed-sized reservoir sediments caused by dam removal | 2007 | article | ||
Hollander, D.A. | Mathematical rainfall/runoff modeling methods for green roofs and their applications | 2007 | article | ||
McKay, S.K. | Lateral Prediction of Depth-averaged Velocity in Compound Open Channels | 2007 | article | ||
Yang, X. | 3D Numerical Modeling of the Turbulent Flow in Hydraulic Structures | 2007 | article | ||
León, A.S. | Improved Modeling of Unsteady Free Surface, Pressurized and Mixed Flows in Storm-sewer Systems | 2006 | article | ||
León, A.S. | Improved Modeling of Unsteady Free surface, Pressurized and Mixed flows in Storm-sewer Systems | 2006 | article | ||
León, A.S., Ghidaoui, M.S., Schmidt, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Godunov-Type Solutions for Transient Flows in Sewers | 2006 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol. 132, pp. 800 | article | DOI |
León, A.S., Schmidt, A.R., Ghidaoui, M.S. and Garcia, M.H. | Review of Sewer Surcharging Phenomena and Models | 2006 | Vol. 78 | article | |
Martin, J.E. and Rehmann, C.R. | Layering in a Flow with Diffusively Stable Temperature and Salinity Stratification | 2006 | Journal of Physical Oceanography Vol. 36, pp. 1457 - 1470 | article | DOI |
Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Evaluation of the LISST-ST instrument for suspended particle size distribution and settling velocity measurements | 2006 | Continental Shelf Research Vol. 26, pp. 943 - 958 | article | DOI |
Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Noise-resolution trade-off in projection algorithms for laser diffraction particle sizing | 2006 | Applied Optics Vol. 45, pp. 3620 | article | DOI |
Waratuke, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study of the Calumet Pumping Station | 2006 | Vol. 79 | article | |
Cataño-Lopera, Y.A. | Burial of Short Cylinders Induced by Local Scour and Bedform Migration Under Waves Plus Currents | 2005 | article | ||
Hoy, M.A. | Unsteady Flow Routing Using Predetermined Solutions to the Equations for Conservation of Mass and Momentum | 2005 | article | ||
Manriquez, C.P., Garcia, C.M., Jackson, P.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study of Chicago River Density Currents | 2005 | Vol. 77 | article | URL |
Pedocchi, F. | Evaluation of a Laser Difraction Instrument and an Annular Flume for Cohesive Sediment Studies | 2005 | article | ||
Sequiros, O., Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Sedimentation Management in Combined Sewer Overflow Storage Reservoirs Using Water Jets | 2005 | Vol. 76 | article | |
Garcia, C.M., Cantero, M.I., Jackson, P.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Characterization of the Flow Turbulence Using Water Velocity Signals Recorded by Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters | 2004 | Vol. 75 | article | |
Sequieros, O.E. | Water Jet Erosion of a Finite Layer of Sediment | 2004 | article | ||
Bombardelli, F.A. | Turbulence in Multiphase Models for Aeration Bubbly Flows | 2003 | article | ||
Bombardelli, F.A. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic design of large-diameter pipes | 2003 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol. 129 | article | DOI URL |
Fedele, J.J. | Bedforms and Gravity Underflows in Marine Environments | 2003 | article | ||
Holmes, R.R. | Vertical Velocity Profiles in Sand-Bed Alluvial Rivers | 2003 | article | ||
Lopez, F. | Untitled | 2003 | article | ||
Musalem, R. | Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Analysis of Oscillatory Flow Field above Self-formed Vortex Ripples | 2003 | article | ||
Nino, Y., López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Threshold for Particle Entrainment into Suspension | 2003 | article | ||
Rincon, L.E. | An Experimental Study of an Airflow Scaling Procedure for Bubble Plumes | 2003 | article | ||
Rodriguez, J.F. | Mean Flow and Turbulence Characteristics of Pool-riffle Structures in Low-gradient Streams | 2003 | article | ||
Abad, J.D. | 2D River Models for Prediction of Sediment Transport and Morphological Variations | 2002 | article | ||
Bombardelli, F.A., Buscaglia, G.C., Rehmann, C.R. and Garcia, M.H. | One-Dimensional Theoretical and Numerical Models for Aeration Bubble Plumes - McCook Reservoir Studies | 2002 | Vol. 71 | article | |
Bombardelli, F.A., Buscaglia, G.C., Rehmann, C.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Scaling procedures for aeration bubble plumes | 2002 | article | ||
Briskin, B. and Garcia, M.H. | Investigation of Settling and Oxygen Demand of Resuspended Combined Sewer Overflow Sediments Using an Annular Flume - McCook Reservoir Studies | 2002 | Vol. 72 | article | |
Briskin, B.J. | Application of an Annular Flume to Sediment Oxygen Demand Research: Investigation of Resuspension Effects | 2002 | article | ||
Buscaglia, G.C., Bombardelli, F.A. and Garcia, M.H. | Numerical modeling of large-scale bubble plumes accounting for mass transfer effects | 2002 | Vol. 28, pp. 1763 - 1785 | article | |
Cantero, M.I. | Theoretical and Numerical Modeling of Turbidity Currents as Two-phase Flows | 2002 | article | ||
Choi, S.-U. and Garcia, M.H. | k-e turbulence modeling of density currents developing two dimensional on a slope | 2002 | Vol. 128, pp. 55 - 62 | article | |
Coleman, S.E., Fedele, J.J. and Garcia, M.H. | Closed-conduit bed-form initiation and development | 2002 | article | ||
Rodriguez, J.F., Admiraal, D.M., Garcia, M.H. and López, F. | Unsteady bed shear stresses induced by navigation: laboratory observations | 2002 | Vol. 128, pp. 5 - 5 | article | |
Rodriguez, J.F., Bombardelli, F.A., Garcia, M.H., Frothingham, K., Rhoads, B.L., Abad, J.D. and Guzman, J.M. | High-resolution numerical simulation of flow through a highly sinuous river reach | 2002 | article | ||
Schmidt, A.R. | Analysis of Stage-Discharge Relations for Open-Channel Flows and their Associated Uncertainties | 2002 | article | ||
Schwartz, J.S. | Stream Habitat Characterized by State-specific Flows and Three-dimensional Geomorphological Complexity: Development of Ecological Criteria for Stream Restoration Design | 2002 | article | ||
Spenn, J.P., Rehmann, C.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Laboratory Study of Bubble Plumes in a Weakly Stratified, Sediment-Laden Flow - McCook Reservoir Studies | 2002 | Vol. 70 | article | |
Wade, R.J., Rhoads, B.L., Rodriguez, J.F., Daniels, M., Wilson, D., Herricks, E.E., Bombardelli, F.A., Garcia, M.H. and Schwartz, J. | Integrating science and technology to support stream naturalization near Chicago, Illinois | 2002 | Vol. 38, pp. 931 - 944 | article | |
Bombardelli, F.A. and Garcia, M.H. | Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling of Density Currents in the Chicago River, Illinois | 2001 | Vol. 68 | article | URL |
Bombardelli, F.A., Hirt, C.W. and Garcia, M.H. | Discussion on textquoterightComputations of curved free surface water flow on spiral concentratorstextquoteright by B. W. Matthews, C. A. J. Fletcher, A. C. Partridge, and S. Vasquez | 2001 | Vol. 122, pp. 629 - 630 | article | |
Choi, S.-U. and Garcia, M.H. | Spreading of gravity plumes on an incline | 2001 | Vol. 43, pp. 221 - 231 | article | |
Garcia, P. | Untitled | 2001 | article | ||
Guzman, J. | A first approach to suspended sediment modeling with the Full Equations Model(FEQ) | 2001 | article | ||
López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Risk of Sediment Erosion and Suspension in Turbulent Flows | 2001 | Vol. 127, pp. 231 - 235 | article | |
López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure of Open-Channel Flow through Non-Emergent Vegetation | 2001 | Vol. 127, pp. 392 - 402 | article | DOI |
Rodriguez, J.F., Garcia, M.H. and Admiraal, D.M. | Computation of entrainment of sediment into suspension in unsteady turbulent flows using an stochastic approach | 2001 | Vol. 16, pp. 5 - 16 | article | |
Teeter, A.M., Johnson, B.H., Berger, C., Stelling, G., Scheffner, N.W., Garcia, M.H. and Parchure, T.M. | Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling with emphasis on shallow-water, vegetated areas (lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and lagoons) | 2001 | Vol. 444, pp. 1 - 23 | article | |
Admiraal, D.M. and Garcia, M.H. | Laboratory Measurements of Suspended Sediment Concentration Using an Acoustic concentration Profiler (ACP) | 2000 | Vol. 28, pp. 116 - 227 | article | |
Admiraal, D.M. and Garcia, M.H. | Entrainment Response of Bed Sediment to Time-Varying Flows | 2000 | Vol. 36, pp. 335 - 348 | article | |
Caisley, M.E. | Hydraulic Model Study of a Canoe Chute for Illinois Streams | 2000 | article | ||
Castro, J.A. and Yen, G.B.C. | Applicability of Hydraulic Performance Graph for Unsteady Flow Routing | 2000 | Vol. 64 | article | |
Chaille, B. and Yen, B.C. | Evaluating Watershed Changes Using Double-Mass Analysis: History in Boneyard Creek Stream Gage Record | 2000 | Vol. 67 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. | Discussion on textquoterightThe legend of A. F. Shieldstextquoteright by John M. Buffington | 2000 | Vol. 126, pp. 718 - 720 | article | |
Huang, X. and Garcia, M.H. | Pollution of Gravel Spawning Grounds by Deposition of Suspended Sediment | 2000 | Vol. 126, pp. 963 - 967 | article | |
Nino, Y., López, F., Hillmer, I., Pirard, C. and Garcia, M.H. | Numerical Modeling of Wind-Induced Turbulent Mixing Processes in Stratified Water Bodies | 2000 | Vol. 15, pp. 13 - 25 | article | |
Parsons, J.D. and Garcia, M.H. | Enhanced Sediment Scavenging Due to Double-Diffusive Convection | 2000 | Vol. 70, pp. 47 - 52 | article | |
Peabody, A. | Hydraulic model study of the Boneyard Creek at Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, Illinois | 2000 | article | ||
Peabody, A.M. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study of the Boneyard Creek at Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, Illinois | 2000 | Vol. 65 | article | |
Schuster, J.M. | Hydraulic Model Study for the Optimization of the Spillway at Batavia Dam, Fox River, Illinois | 2000 | article | ||
Schuster, J.M. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study for the Optimization of the Spillway at Batavia Dam, Fox River, Illinois | 2000 | Vol. 66 | article | |
Admiraal, D.M. | Entrainment of Sediment by Unsteady Turbulent Flows | 1999 | article | ||
Caisley, M.E., Bombardelli, F.A. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study of a Canoe Chute for Low-Head Dams in Illinois | 1999 | Vol. 63 | article | URL |
Caisley, M.E. and Garcia, M.H. | Canoe Chutes and Fishways for Low-Head Dams: Literature Review and Design Guidelines | 1999 | Vol. 60 | article | URL |
Fedele, J.J. | Bed roughness in Alluvial Streams | 1999 | article | ||
Garcia, M.H., Admiraal, D.M. and Rodriguez, J.F. | Sediment Entrainment Functions for Navigation-Induced Resuspension | 1999 | Vol. 61 | article | |
Garcia, M.H., Admiraal, D.M. and Rodriguez, J.F. | Laboratory Experiments on Navigation-Induced Bed Shear Stresses and Sediment Resusupension | 1999 | Vol. 14, pp. 303 - 317 | article | |
Huang, X. | Tow-dimensional Transient Flows and Stability of Concentrated Suspensions of Clay Particles and Rheology | 1999 | article | ||
Huang, X. and Garcia, M.H. | Modeling of Non-Hydroplaning Mudflows on Continental Slopes | 1999 | Vol. 154, pp. 131 - 142 | article | |
López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Wall Similarity in Open Channels: Universal value of the Normalized Vertical Flux of Turbulent Kinetic Energy | 1999 | Vol. 125, pp. 789 - 796 | article | |
Waratuke, A.R. | Hydraulic Model Study of the Boneyard Creek at Wright Street, Champaign and Urbana, Illinois | 1999 | article | ||
Waratuke, A.R. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study of the Boneyard Creek at Wright Street, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois | 1999 | Vol. 62 | article | URL |
Armbruster, J.T. | Hydraulic Model Study for the Restoration of Batavia Dam, Fox River, Illinois | 1998 | article | ||
Armbruster, J.T. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study for the Restoration of Batavia Dam, Fox River, Illinois | 1998 | Vol. 55 | article | URL |
Garcia, M.H., Admiraal, D.M., Rodriguez, J. and López, F. | Navigation-Induced Bed Shear Stresses: Laboratory Measurements, Data Analysis, and Application | 1998 | Vol. 56 | article | URL |
Huang, X. and Garcia, M.H. | A Herschel-Bulkley Model for Mud Flows Down a Slope | 1998 | Vol. 374, pp. 305 - 333 | article | |
López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Open-Channel Flow Through Simulated Vegetation: Suspended Sediment Transport Modeling | 1998 | Vol. 34, pp. 2341 - 2352 | article | |
Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | On Engelundtextquoterights Analysis of Turbulent Energy and Suspended Load | 1998 | Vol. 124, pp. 480 - 483 | article | |
Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Using Lagrangian Particle Saltation Observations for Bedload Sediment Transport Modeling | 1998 | Vol. 12, pp. 1197 - 1218 | article | |
Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Experiments on Saltation of Fine Sand | 1998 | Vol. 124, pp. 1014 - 1025 | article | |
Parsons, J.D. | Mixing Mechanisms in Density Intrusions | 1998 | article | ||
Parsons, J.D. and Garcia, M.H. | Similarity of Gravity Current Fronts | 1998 | Vol. 10, pp. 3209 - 3213 | article | |
Rodriguez, J.F. | Wall Shear Stress in Unsteady Turbulent Flow and Its Role in Sediment Transport | 1998 | article | ||
Tebes-Stevens, C.L. and Valocchi, A.J. | Numerical Solution Techniques for Reaction Parameter Sensitivity Coefficients in Multicomponent Subsurface Transport Models | 1998 | Vol. 59 | article | |
Yen, B.C., Garcia, M.H., Troy, C.D. and Armbruster, J.T. | Stream Channel Migration Effects on Bridge Approaches and Conveyance | 1998 | article | ||
Amsler, M.L. and Garcia, M.H. | Discussion on textquoterightSand-Dune Geometry of Large Rivers During Floods by P. Y. Julien and G. J. Klaasen | 1997 | Vol. 123, pp. 582 - 584 | article | |
Gonzalez, J.A., Yen, B.C. and Tsai, W.-s. | Channel Capacity Analysis for Boneyard Creek in Urbana Illinois | 1997 | Vol. 46 | article | |
Huang, X. and Garcia, M.H. | A Perturbation Solution for Bingham Plastic Mud Flows | 1997 | Vol. 123, pp. 984 - 996 | article | |
López, F. | Open-channel Flow with Roughness Elements of Different Spanwise Aspect Ratios: Turbulence Structure and Numerical Modeling | 1997 | article | ||
López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Open-Channel Flow through Simulated Vegetation: Turbulence Modeling and Sediment Transport | 1997 | article | URL | |
Choi, S.-U. | Layer-averaged Modeling of Turbidity Currents with a Finite Element Method | 1996 | article | ||
Choi, S.-U. and Garcia, M.H. | Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach for Finite Element Modeling of Two-Dimensional Turbidity Currents | 1996 | Vol. 21, pp. 175 - 182 | article | |
Dunn, C.J. | Flow Structure and Resistance in a Laboratory Channel with Simulated Vegetation | 1996 | article | ||
Dunn, C.J., López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Mean Flow and Turbulence in a Laboratory Channel with Simulated Vegetation | 1996 | Vol. 51 | article | URL |
Echavarria, B. | Reservoir Sedimentation by Free-surface and Plunging Flows: Application to Lake Decatur, Illinois | 1996 | article | ||
Freeman, J.W. | Yorkville Dam Hydraulic Model Study; Drowproofing a Low Overflow Structure | 1996 | article | ||
Freeman, J.W. and Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Model Study for the Drown Proofing of Yorkville Dam, Illinois | 1996 | Vol. 50 | article | URL |
Garcia, M.H. and Parsons, J.D. | Mixing at the Front of Gravity Currents | 1996 | Vol. 24, pp. 197 - 205 | article | |
López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Turbulence Structure in Cobble-Bed Open-Channel Flow | 1996 | Vol. 52 | article | |
López, F., Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Turbulent Coherent Structures in Open-Channel Flows with Smooth Beds | 1996 | Vol. 11, pp. 5 - 13 | article | |
Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Experiments on Particle-Turbulence Interactions in the Near Wall Region of an Open Channel Flow: Implications for Sediment Transport | 1996 | Vol. 326, pp. 285 - 319 | article | |
Pratson, L.F., Choi, S.-U., Israel, K., Lee, H.J., Parker, G., Garcia, M.H., Coakley, B.J., Mohrig, D., Locat, J., Mello, U. and Parsons, J.D. | Studies of Mass-Movement Processes on Submarine Slopes | 1996 | Vol. 9, pp. 168 - 172 | article | |
Yen, B.C. and Pagliara, S. | Sewer Network Hydraulic Model: NISN | 1996 | Vol. 53 | article | |
Bittner, L.D., Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | River Bed Response to Channel Width Variation Theory and Experiments | 1995 | Vol. 49 | article | |
Choi, S.-U. and Garcia, M.H. | Modeling of One-Dimensional Turbidity Currents with a Dissipative-Galerkin Finite Element Method | 1995 | Vol. 33, pp. 1 - 26 | article | |
Garcia, M.H., López, F. and Nino, Y. | Characterization of Near-Bed Coherent Structures in Turbulent Open Channel Flow Using Synchronized High-Speed Video and Hot-Film Measurement | 1995 | Vol. 19, pp. 16 - 28 | article | |
Gonzalez, J.A. and Yen, B.C. | Bottleneck Analysis and Channel Capacity Improvement Alternatives for UIUC Campus Portion of Boneyard Creek | 1995 | Vol. 46 | article | |
Nino, Y. | Particle Motion in the Near Bed Region of a Turbulent Open Channel Flow: Implications for Bedload Transport by Saltation and Sediment Entrainment into Suspension | 1995 | article | ||
Nino, Y., López, F. and Garcia, M.H. | Particle Turbulance Interaction in a open-channel flow: Implications for Bedload Transport and Sediment Entrainment into Suspension | 1995 | Vol. 47 | article | |
Parsons, J.D. | Flow Structure and Mixing Characteristics in Saline Gravity Current Fronts | 1995 | article | ||
Parsons, J.D. and Garcia, M.H. | Flow Structure and Mixing Characteristics in Saline Gravity Current Fronts | 1995 | Vol. 45 | article | |
Bittner, L.D. | River Bed Response to Channel Width Variation: Theory and Experiments | 1994 | article | ||
Dill, A.J. | Video-based Particle Tracking Velocimetry Technique for Measuring Flow Velocity in Porous Media | 1994 | article | ||
Garcia, M.H. | Depositional Turbidity Currents Laden with Poorly-Sorted Sediment | 1994 | Vol. 120, pp. 1240 - 1263 | article | |
Garcia, M.H., Bittner, L.D. and Nino, Y. | Mathematical Modeling of Meandering Streams in Illinois: A Tool for Stream Management and Engineering | 1994 | Vol. 43 | article | URL |
López, F. | Near-wall Turbulent Coherent Structures and Their Role on Sediment Transport in Smooth-bed Open Channel Flows | 1994 | article | ||
Mittag, M.D. and Yen, B.C. | Allocation of Water from Surface and Ground Sources Based on Hydrologic Cycle and Costs | 1994 | Vol. 44 | article | |
Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Gravel Saltation II: Modeling | 1994 | Vol. 30, pp. 1915 - 1924 | article | |
Nino, Y., Garcia, M.H. and Ayala, L. | Gravel Saltation I: Experiments | 1994 | Vol. 30, pp. 1907 - 1914 | article | |
Dill, A.J., Garcia, M.H. and Valocchi, A. | Video-Based Particle Tracking Velocimetry Technique for Measuring Flow Velocity in Porous Media | 1993 | Vol. 48 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. | Hydraulic Jumps in Sediment-laden Bottom Currents | 1993 | Vol. 199, pp. 1094 - 1117 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. and Nino, Y. | Dynamics of Sediment Bars in Straight and Meandering Channels: Experiments on the Resonance Phenomenon | 1993 | Vol. 31, pp. 739 - 761 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. and Parker, G. | Experiments on the Entrainment of Sediment into Suspension by a Dense Bottom Current | 1993 | Vol. 98, pp. 4793 - 4807 | article | |
Nino, Y. | Sediment Bars in Straight and Meandering Channels: Experimental Study on the Resonance Phenomenon | 1992 | article | ||
Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. | Sediment Bars in Straight and Meandering Channels: Experimental Study on the Resonance Phenomenon | 1992 | Vol. 42 | article | |
Xia, R. and Yen, B.C. | Sensitivity of Flood Routing Models to Variations of Momentum Equation Coefficients and Terms | 1992 | Vol. 41 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. and Parker, G. | Entrainment of Bed Sediment into Suspension | 1991 | Vol. 117, pp. 414 - 435 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. | Depositing and Eroding Sediment-Driven Flows: Turbidity Currents | 1990 | article | ||
Garcia, M.H. and Parker, G. | Experiments on Hydraulic Jumps in Turbidity Currents Near a Canyon-Fan Transition | 1989 | Vol. 117, pp. 393 - 396 | article | |
Parker, G., Garcia, M.H., Johannesson, H. and Okabe, K. | Model Study of the Minnesota River Near Wilmarth Power Plant, Minnesota | 1989 | article | ||
Parker, G., Johannesson, H., Garcia, M.H. and Okabe, K. | Diagnostic Study of the Siltation Problem at the Wilmarth Power Plant Cooling Water Intake on the Minnesota River | 1988 | article | ||
Parker, G., Garcia, M.H., Fukushima, Y. and Yu, W. | Experiments on Turbidity Currents over an Erodible Bed | 1987 | Vol. 25, pp. 123 - 147 | article | |
Juan, B. and Yen, B.C. | Dynamic Wave Simulation of Unsteady Open Channel and Surcharge Flows in Sewer Networks | 1985 | Vol. 40 | article | |
Melching, C., Wenzel, H. and Jr | Calibration Procedure and Improvements in MULSTED | 1985 | Vol. 38 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. and Quinodoz, H. | Mathematical Model of Parana Mediotextquoterights Navigation Lock Filling System (in Spanish) | 1984 | article | ||
Cheng, B. and Yen, B.C. | A Study of Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph | 1982 | Vol. 39 | article | |
Cheng, S., Yen, B.C. and Tang, W.H. | Overtopping Risk for an Existing Dam | 1982 | Vol. 37 | article | |
Garcia, M.H. and Pouey, N. | Hydraulic Model Study of the Zapata Creek Closure (in Spanish) | 1982 | article | ||
Pouey, N., Tomat, G., Garcia, M.H. and Zanazzi, J. | Physical Model of Fish Elevator (in Spanish) | 1982 | article | ||
Garcia, M.H. and Onipchenko, G. | Experimental Determination of the Critical Velocity for the Erosion of Clays, Downstream of Parana Medio Dam (in Spanish) | 1981 | article | ||
Garcia, M.H., Pouey, N. and Onipchenko, G. | Hydraulic Model Study of the Parana River Closure (in Spanish) | 1981 | article | ||
Akan, A. and Yen, B.C. | Unsteady Gutter Flow into Grate Inlets | 1980 | Vol. 36 | article | |
Maxwell, W. and Snorrason, A. | Measurements in Intersecting Submerged and Induced Jets | 1979 | Vol. 34 | article | |
Santarelli, G. and Garcia, M.H. | Analysis of the Navigability Conditions in the Parana River and its Tributaries, Associated with the construction of Parana Medio Dam (in Spanish) | 1979 | article | ||
Tsai, Y. and Holley, E. | Temporal and Spatial Moments for Longitudinal Mixing in Prismatic Channels with Storage in Separation Zones | 1979 | Vol. 35 | article | |
Ingrum, C. and Murtha, J. | Laboratory Studies of Dynamic Structural Response to Water Waves | 1978 | Vol. 32 | article | |
Murtha, J. | Theoretical Fluid Forces on Idealized Ocean Structures | 1978 | Vol. 31 | article | |
Tekeli, S. and Maxwell, W. | Behavior of Air Bubble Screens | 1978 | Vol. 33 | article | |
Chow, V. and Yen, B.C. | A Laboratory Watershed Experimentation System | 1974 | Vol. 27 | article | |
Ger, A. and Holley, E. | Turbulent Jets in Crossing Pipe Flow | 1974 | Vol. 30 | article | |
Hsie, C. and Chow, V. | The Evaluation of a Hydrodynamic Watershed Model (IHW Model IV) | 1974 | Vol. 28 | article | |
Shen, Y., Yen, B.C. and Chow, V. | Experimental Investigation of Watershed Surface Runoff | 1974 | Vol. 29 | article | |
Chow, V. and Ben-Zvi, A. | The Illinois Hydrodynamic Watershed Model III (IHW Model II) | 1973 | Vol. 26 | article | |
Hidari, M. and Chow, V. | Water Resources Systems Analysis by Discrete Differential Dynamic Programming | 1971 | Vol. 24 | article | |
Kareliotis, S. and Chow, V. | Computer Solution of a Hydrodynamic Watershed Model (IHW Model II) | 1971 | Vol. 25 | article | |
Windsor, J. and Chow, V. | A Programming Model for Farm Irrigation Systems | 1970 | Vol. 23 | article | |
Chow, V. and Meredith, D. | Annotated Bibliography on Stochastic Processes | 1969 | Vol. 19 | article | |
Chow, V. and Meredith, D. | Annotated Bibliography on Programming Techniques | 1969 | Vol. 20 | article | |
Chow, V. and Meredith, D. | Review of Programming Techniques | 1969 | Vol. 21 | article | |
Chow, V. and Meredith, D. | Review of Programming Techniques | 1969 | Vol. 22 | article | |
Chen, L. and Chow, V. | Hydrodynamics of Mathematically Simulated Surface Runoff | 1968 | Vol. 18 | article | |
Yen, B.C. and Chow, V. | A Study of Surface Runoff Due to Moving Rain Storms | 1968 | Vol. 17 | article | |
Chow, V. | Laboratory Study of Watershed Hydrology | 1967 | Vol. 14 | article | |
Chow, V. | The Progress of Hydrology | 1967 | Vol. 16 | article | |
Harbaugh, T. and Chow, V. | A Study of the Roughness of Conceptual River Systems or Watersheds | 1967 | Vol. 15 | article | |
Muga, B. | Experimental and Theoretical Study of Motion of a Barge as Moored in Ocean Waves | 1967 | Vol. 13 | article | |
Chow, V. and Harbaugh, T. | Raindrop Production for Laboratory Watershed Experimentation | 1966 | Vol. 12 | article | |
Chow, V. and Ramaseshan, S. | Sequential Generation of Rainfall and Runoff Data | 1965 | Vol. 11 | article | |
Gracia, G. | An Analysis of Distribution Demand Variations | 1965 | Vol. 9 | article | |
McPherson, M. | A Study of Ground-Storage Booster-Pumping Hydraulics | 1965 | Vol. 10 | article | |
McPherson, M. and Prasad, R. | A Study of Distribution System Equalizing Storage Hydraulics | 1965 | Vol. 6 | article | |
McPherson, M. and Prasad, R. | A Study of Power Distribution for Equalizing Storage Operating Options | 1965 | Vol. 8 | article | |
Wiseman, R. and McPherson, M. | A Study of the Applicability of Generalized Distribution Network Head Loss Characteristics | 1965 | Vol. 7 | article | |
Chow, V. | Hydrologic Design of Culverts | 1962 | Vol. 5 | article | |
Hickenlooper, I., Guillou, J. and Chow, V. | Hydraulic Studies of A Highway Bridge | 1957 | Vol. 4 | article | |
Guillou, J. and Chow, V. | Desilting Structures for Highway Drainage Systems -- A Preliminary Investigation | 1954 | Vol. 3 | article | |
Chow, V. | Hydrologic Studies of Urban Watersheds; Rainfall and Runoff of Boneyard Creek Watershed, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois | 1952 | Vol. 2 | article | |
Chow, V. | A Practical Procedure of Flood Routing | 1951 | Vol. 1 | article |